Trianon Agreement

ARTICLE 85 Moroccan goods imported into Hungary shall enjoy the treatment accorded to French goods. SECTION II. EGYPT. Article 86 Hungary declares that it recognizes the protectorate which Great Britain proclaimed over Egypt on 18 December 1914 and that, as far as it is concerned, renounces the regime of capitulation in Egypt. ARTICLE 87 All treaties, agreements, agreements and treaties concluded with Egypt by the Government of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy shall be deemed to have been repealed with effect from 12 August 1914. Under no circumstances may Hungary make use of these instruments, and it undertakes not to intervene in any way in the negotiations on Egypt that may take place between Great Britain and the other powers. ARTICLE 88 Pending the entry into force of an Egyptian law on the organization of the judiciary for the establishment of courts of universal jurisdiction, the decrees of His Highness the Sultan provide for the exercise of jurisdiction over Hungarian nationals and property by the British consular courts. ARTICLE 89 The Government of Egypt shall have complete freedom of action in determining the status of Hungarian nationals and the conditions under which they may settle in Egypt. ARTICLE 90 Hungary, as far as it is concerned, accepts the repeal of the Decree on the Egyptian Public Debt Commission issued by His Highness the Khedive on 28 November 1904 or of any amendment that the Egyptian Government deems desirable in it. ARTICLE 91 Hungary accepts, as far as it is concerned, the delegation of the powers conferred on His Imperial Majesty to the Sultan by the In October 1888, the Convention on Free Navigation signed in Constantinople was transferred to the Suez Canal and transferred to the Government of His British Majesty. It renounces all participation in the Egyptian Office of Medical, Maritime and Quarantine Services and accepts its interests in the transfer of powers from that body to the Egyptian authorities. ARTICLE 92 All possessions and possessions in Egypt of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy shall pass to the Egyptian government without payment. For this purpose, the property and possessions of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy are considered the entire property of the Crown and the private property of the members of the former royal family of Austria-Hungary.

All movable and immovable property in Egypt belonging to Hungarian nationals shall be treated in accordance with Sections III and IV (Economic Clauses) of Part X of this Treaty. ARTICLE 93 Egyptian goods imported into Hungary shall enjoy the treatment accorded to British goods. SECTION III. SIAM. ARTICLE 94 Hungary recognizes that all treaties, conventions and agreements between the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy and Siam, as well as all rights, titles and privileges deriving therefrom, including all rights of extraterritorial jurisdiction, have terminated with effect from 22 July 1917. On June 4, 1920, Hungary and the Allies signed a treaty at the Trianon Palace in Versailles – one of many treaties that ended World War I. ARTICLE 37 Italy owes no amount by reason of its entry into possession of Palazzo Venezia in Rome. ARTICLE 38 Hungary shall, within three months, return to Italy all wagons of the Italian railways which had entered Austria before the outbreak of war and which are now in Hungary.

ARTICLE 39 Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 252, Part X (Economic Clauses), persons who have their habitual residence in the territory of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy shall be transferred to Italy in accordance with Article 36(1) of the Treaty of Peace with Austria who were outside the territory of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy or who were imprisoned during the war, Articles 235 and 236, Part X (economic clauses) this Treaty benefits fully from these provisions. ARTICLE 40 Judgments given since 4 August 1914 by the courts of the territory transferred to Italy pursuant to Article 36(1) of the Peace Treaty with Austria in civil and commercial matters between residents of that territory and other nationals of the former Kingdom of Hungary shall enter into force only after confirmation by the new corresponding court of that territory. All decisions taken since 4 August 1914 by the judicial authorities of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy against Italian nationals or against persons who acquire Italian nationality in accordance with the Peace Treaty with Austria for political crimes or offences are annulled. SECTION II. SERBIAN-CROATIAN-SLOVENIAN STATE. ARTICLE 41 Hungary, in accordance with the measures already taken by the Allied and Associated Powers, recognizes the complete independence of the Serbo-Croatian-Slovenian State. ARTICLE 42 Hungary shall renounce, for the benefit of the Serbo-Croatian-Slovenian State, all rights and titles in the territories of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy which lie outside the borders of Hungary, in accordance with Article 27, Part II (Borders of Hungary) and recognised by this Treaty or by treaties concluded for the purpose of completing this Regulation. within the framework of the Serbo-Croatian-Slovenian State. ARTICLE 43 Within fifteen days of the entry into force of this Treaty, a Commission shall be established, five of which shall be appointed by the principal Allied and Associated Powers, one by the Serbo-Croatian-Slovenian State and one by Hungary, to follow on the spot the demarcation line described in Article 27( paragraph 2, Part II (Borders of Hungary). ARTICLE 44 The Serbo-Croatian-Slovene State recognizes and confirms its obligation vis-à-vis Hungary to accept the incarnation in a treaty with the principal Allied and Associated Powers deemed necessary by those Powers to protect the interests of the inhabitants of that State, who differ from the majority of the population in race, language or religion, as well as to protect freedom of transit and fair treatment of trade. other nations. The extent and nature of Hungary`s financial obligations to be assumed by the Serbo-Croatian-Slovenian State under its sovereignty shall be determined in accordance with Article 186(IX) (Financial Clauses) of this Treaty.

Subsequent agreements shall rule on all matters not governed by this Treaty which may result from the cession of that territory. SECTION I I I. ROMANIA. ARTICLE 45 Hungary shall renounce, for the benefit of Romania, all rights and titles in the territories of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy which lie outside the borders of Hungary, as defined in Article 27, Part II (Borders of Hungary) and recognised by this Treaty or by treaties concluded for the purpose of completing this Regulation. in the context of Romania. ARTICLE 46[EDIT] A Commission composed of seven members, five of whom shall be appointed by the principal Allied and Associated Powers, one by Romania and one by Hungary, shall be appointed within fifteen days of the entry into force of this Treaty to draw on the spot the demarcation line provided for in Article 27(3), Part II (Borders of Hungary). ARTICLE 47[EDIT] With regard to Hungary, Romania recognizes and confirms its obligation to accept incarnation in a treaty with the principal Allied and Associated Powers deemed necessary by those Powers to protect the interests of the inhabitants of that State, which differ in race, language or religion of the majority of the population, and to protect the freedom of transit and equal treatment of trade of other nations. The extent and nature of Hungary`s financial obligations to be assumed by Romania by virtue of its sovereignty shall be determined in accordance with Article 186(IX) (Financial Clauses) of this Treaty. Subsequent agreements shall rule on all matters not governed by this Treaty which may result from the cession of that territory.

SECTION IV. CZECHOSLOVAK STATE. Article 48 Hungary, in accordance with the measures already taken by the Allied and Associated Powers, recognizes the complete independence of the Czechoslovak State, which will include the autonomous territory of the Ruthenians south of the Carpathians. ARTICLE 49 Hungary renounces, for the benefit of the Czechoslovak State, all rights and titles in the territory of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy situated outside the borders of Hungary, in accordance with Article 27, Part II (Borders of Hungary) and recognised by this Treaty or by treaties concluded for the purpose of completing this Regulation. within the framework of the Czechoslovak State. ARTICLE 50 Within fifteen days of the entry into force of this Treaty, a Commission shall be set up, five of which shall be appointed by the principal Allied and Associated Powers, one by the Czechoslovak State and one by Hungary to pursue on the spot the border line provided for in Article 27(4), Part 11 (Borders of Hungary). .