Abstract Submission

Call for Abstracts

The International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences invites researchers from around the world to submit their abstracts for presentation at IRCHSS 2023, to be held in a hybrid format on 16th and 17th, March 2023.

IRCHSS 2023 will feature a wide range of talks on humanities and social sciences and a symposium on English Language Teaching and Learning.
Submit your abstract on or before 30th May 2022 for any of the following categories:

General Conference

Symposium on English Language Teaching

Abstract Submission Guidelines

We invite abstracts of two pages.

Paper: A4
Margins: Right 3 cm, Left 2.5 cm
Medium: Sinhala or English (For abstract writing guidelines in Sinhala please refer the Sinhala Abstract Template attached below)

Title of the abstract: maximum 18 words, font type Calibri, font size 14, bold, centered, line space 1)

The author details must be included below the title, as per the following guidelines.

  1. Names of the authors: font type Calibri, font size 12, line space 1
  2. Affiliations of the authors: font type Calibri, font size 11, line space 1
  3. Email address of the corresponding author: font type Calibri, font size 10, line space 1, Italic
  4. Body of the abstract: font type Calibri, font size 11, Line space 1

The body of the abstract should include the following main sections WITH or WITHOUT headings.

  1. Introduction
  2. Research Problem/s, Objective/s
  3. Methodology
  4. Results and Discussion
  5. Conclusion and Recommendations
  6. Keywords (05 Keywords)

Figures and tables (if any) must be included within the two pages of the abstract.

  1. Number and the title of the tables should be indicated above them.
    e.g., Table1. The Distribution of Population
  2. Number and the title of the figures should be indicated below them.
    e.g., Figure 1. The Fertilizer Producing System
  3. Cross referencing should be made between the main text and the figures and tables.

References: Use APA 7 Referencing Style

The abstract should be sent both as a Word and PDF file.
We encourage all of you to use the templates provided below in writing the abstract.

Please read following instructions before submitting your abstract through the Conference Management Toolkit (CMT)
  • The abstract should be according to the Abstract submission guidelines and the template given above.
  • Click on the “Submit Your Abstract” button below
  • Create a new account or log in to CMT account.
  • Click on “Create New Submission”.
  • Select the Track or The Special Symposium on ELT.
  • Type/copy-paste the tittle of your abstract on the title bar.
  • Add your email address.
  • Drop or upload both a word and a PDF file of your abstract.
  • Fill in the additional instructions.
  • To complete your submission, click “Submit”.